This is a compilation of 101 objects, found within the Bega Valley Shire, that illustrate the rich history and heritage of the area.
It’s a combination of everyday items that represent past life in the Shire through to objects that have a unique or special importance in the history of the area.
The list was assembled by three expert local heritage advisors (Angela George, Trevor King, Graham Moore) in late 2018 from suggestions provided by the local community. It is not intended to be the definitive list of the most historic items or those with greatest heritage value to the area – but a list that can be updated and amended.
Comprehensive libraries of information have been assembled about each of these 101 objects. These are available free.
A 44-page booklet, illustrating and briefly describing each of the 101 objects, is available at this link (This includes the links to the libraries of information about each of the 101 objects.)
(This project received valuable assistance from the NSW Government through the Heritage Near Me program.)