South Coast NSW History Story
‘Spec’, 1865
The 17-ton schooner ‘Spec’ was lost on 17th October 1865. This is how the ‘Kiama Independent’ (19th October 1865) reported the incident:
‘It is with the greatest regret that we find ourselves called upon this week to publish the particulars of the loss of the schooner Spec off the coast in our immediate neighbourhood, and the death of the skipper and one of the two seamen who were employed on board.
The Spec, which had been freighted in Sydney with merchandise for some of the storekeepers of Kiama and Broughton Creek (now Berry), had discharged a large portion of her cargo at this port; and after leaving had proceeded on her way towards Shoalhaven, as far as Black Head, Gerringong, when she was struck by a sudden squall with such violence as to throw her on her beam ends, when she filled, and in five minutes she had disappeared beneath the waves.
The Spec was at the time of the accident about a mile and a half from land. One of the seamen named Edward Ross, was fortunately enabled to swim to land, which he reached, as might be expected, in a very exhausted condition. He was received with all possible kindness and humanity by Mr. Kirby, and related that the last he saw of his comrades, one of them was on the bow of the sinking vessel, and the other swimming for the shore, which he proved unable to reach.
The name of the skipper, we understand, was William James Dawson. The seaman, a foreigner, who was also lost, was commonly known by the name of George … Captain Dawson, we understand, was a married man, whose wife and two or three children residing in Sydney, are by this sad event bereft of their support and left in a state of destitution. For their relief it is intended to appeal to the sympathy of the public by means of subscription lists, which will be found at the banks and principal stores in the town. The other unfortunate was a Prussian by birth, and was also married but had no family.’